餐饮 快餐 小吃 火锅 饮品 甜品 教育 英语 潜能 作文 机器人 1对1辅导 游泳馆 早教 母婴 幼儿园 美容 服装 化妆品 干洗 酒店 环保 家居 汽车
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来源: 编辑: 2018-11-19 09:54






Facing the rigorous test caused by global financial crisis and inflation, every trade in the world has not recovered from the influence completely yet. Therefore, further boosting domestic demand becomes one of effective means responding to national policy and promoting China’s economic development, while encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting employment through entrepreneurship becomes one of main policy routes to boost domestic demand and increase consumption.

Based on the 13th national five-year plan, a lot of preferential policies for entrepreneurship have popped up in Shanghai Municipality by local government giving more entrepreneurs much more greater opportunities. Therefore, 2018 (Shanghai) 27th International Entrepreneurship and Franchise Investment Exhibition was held and organized by Shanghai Qishun Exhibition and Service Co., Ltd at Shanghai New International Expo Center to create a new space for entrepreneurship and development, in which not only we can promote entrepreneurship programs, boost investment joining industry, and encourage small and medium-sized enterprises, but also we can capture development opportunities, actively promote re-employment through self-employment, and find out better programs based on preferential policies of Shanghai municipal government and China government.

Purpose of the Expo is “Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and Double-Win”. Welcome all related enterprises to join the Expo for a visit!


布展时间:20181213 -14



主办单位: 上海富邦展览服务有限公司

承办单位: 上海富邦展览服务有限公司

Introduction to the Expo  

Move-in Date: December 13-14, 2018

 Exhibition time: December 15-17, 2018

Venue: Exhibition Hall W4 of Shanghai New International Expo Center (No. 2345 Long Yang Road)

Organizer: Shanghai Fnbang Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.

Undertaker: Shanghai Fubang Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.



A unprecedentedly powerful propaganda array

We will cooperate with hundreds of authoritative media to deal with all-round multi-angle propaganda and report to the Exhibition including Xinhua News Agency, the People's Daily, CCTV, the Central People's Broadcasting Station, Economic Daily, People's Daily, Sina, Sohu, People's Daily Online, Xinhua Online and the Alibaba Website. The Exhibition will be one of entrepreneurship and franchise investment exhibitions with the biggest market promotion in China.

◆强大的广告宣传 细致周密的观众邀请 :

会前通过电视台、报纸、电话、传真、电子邮件、网站、邮寄、请柬、拜访等多种形式邀请全国各省、市、自治区、直辖市生活服务业、现代服务业、商品零售业、 商品批发代理业、商品制造业等行业参观洽谈;参展商也可事先向组委会提供希望邀请的用户名单,组委会将向其发出邀请。组委会办公室提供参观券,参展商也可自行发出邀请。经营单位及连锁机构等其它场所高质量买家。 

Powerful advertising publicity, thoughtful population invitation:

The users of life service industry, modern service industry, retail industry of commodity, commodity wholesale agency industry, commodity manufacturing industry and other industries of each province, city, municipality, direct-controlled municipality will be invited for visit and negotiation through various forms including television, newspaper, telephone, fax, email, website, mail, invitation card or visit by organizing committee before the meeting; while exhibitor can provide user list wishing to invite to organizing committee in advance, therefore, organizing committee will make an invitation to those users.   The office of organizing committee will provide visiting ticket, and exhibitor also can make an invitation by itself. High quality buyers coming from operating units, interlocking mechanism, and other places.  




加盟服务: 新零售 无人店设备及技术、洗涤设备、零售(便利店、超市、医药店)、汽车服务、汽车护理美容、汽车保养维修、房产开发、房产中介、物业管理、形象设计、速印冲印、婚纱摄影、旅游、图书音像、家政服务等其他加盟连锁机构等;

品牌加盟:家居饰品、家用纺织品、**家纺、厨房用品、厨炊具、家用小家电、服装服饰代理加盟、内衣、    鞋帽、民族服 装、体育用品专卖、 女性用品专卖、婴童用品专卖、食品保健品专卖、黄金珠 宝专卖、饰品礼品、工艺品、箱包皮具、眼镜、文具、玩具等其它专卖:


医疗保健: 医疗器械、保健用品、保健食品、各类健康产品。成人用品 ;    


企业招商:商铺、店铺、开发区招商、林地、荒山、滩涂、湖泊及其它物权承包租赁 ;


Range of Exhibits: 

Food service: Eastern and western style restaurant, baking project agency, hotel, special cuisines, coffee beverage shop, tea house, teahouse chain, snack food, sea food, instant food, local cuisine, special snack, leisure good, cakes, drinks, moon cake, bar and franchise organization;    

Educational training: Educational training, educational entrepreneurship, early childhood education, games for developing child intelligence, online game, cartoon, management software development, and other cultural and creative projects;  

Join service: Laundry and dyeing, washing equipment, retail (convenience store, supermarket, medicine shop), automobile service, car nursing and beauty, car maintenance service, real estate development, real estate agency, property management, image design, fast processing and printing, wedding photography, tourism, books and DVDs, housekeeping, and other franchise chains.       

Brand join: Household decorations, household textile, home textiles with famous brand, kitchen supplies, kitchen cooker, household-use small appliances, apparel and apparel agent, underwear, shoes and hats, ethnic clothing, sporting goods store, female products store, baby supplies store, food and supplement store, gold jewelry store, decoration gift, artware, suitcases and leatherware, glasses, stationery, toys, and other stores;        

Beauty fitness: Beauty and body care, recreation and body-building, hairdress and beauty, cosmetics, health care, and postpartum recovery mechanism; 

Medical and health: Medical devices, health products, health food, various health products. Adult products;    

Scientific and technological achievements: Patented technology, heating and ventilation and boiler. Electric appliance, new green products, energy saving products, registered trademark, and other new, special or optimal products;

Investment for enterprises: Shop, store, inviting investment in the development zone, woodland, barren mountain, beach, lake, and other property contract lease;

Enterprise development: Accounting, law, insurance companies, investment financial institutions, etc.;






1. 标准展位设施:展出场地,2.5m高壁板,一条中英文楣板,桌子一张,椅子标二把,220V电源插座一个,射灯二支;

2. 室内光地无任何设施























入   场 券:¥30000元/10万张

文字整版:¥ 2000元


注:入 场 券三万张起印(70mmx210mm

Charging Standard for Booth:

1. Standard   booth


2. Bare indoor stall

Minimum 36 square meters

3.  Standard stall facilities: Exhibition area, 2.5-meter high board,   a fascia board both in Chinese and English, one table, two chairs, 220V power   socket and two spotlights;

4.  No facility for bare indoor stall

Visual Area

RMB 13800   per booth

RMB 1280 per square meter

Exquisite Area

RMB 12800   per booth

RMB 1080 per square meter


Front Cover: RMB 30000

Back Cover: RMB 16000

Inside Front Cover: 16000 yuan

Inside Back Cover: RMB 10000

Flyleaf: RMB12000

Color Sheet: RMB 5000

Black Sheet: RMB 3000

Balloon: RMB 5000/one

Arch: RMB 8000/period

One Background Wall: RMB 30000 (6X4)

Catalogue List: RMB 500

One Float Ball: RMB 6000 (start from 2)

Hand Bag: RMB 30000/10000 copies


Advertising Board: RMB 30000  (6X4meter

Admission Ticket: RMB 30000/100000   pieces

Full Text Page: RMB 2000

Half Text Page: RMB 1000

Note: Admission tickets will be printed at least thirty thousand copies (70mm x 210mm)



Sponsor Proposal

The organizer will invite competent companies to sponsor the Expo with sponsor fees of RMB 200000. Fees are divided into three kinds of sponsorship modes (diamond 200000, gold medal 160000 and silver medal 100000), and sponsors shall enjoy all kinds of special treatment provided by the Conference (more details and treatment are available on request)


1 主办单位将组织专题讲座、论坛、项目对接洽谈会,邀请政府相关部门为创业者提供政策解读和就业指导,           


2、 参展单位报名参展将可直接在主办单位网站优先推介其参展项目。

3、 在对参展项目进行考察审核,投票评议的基础上,主办单位将评选出**的中小创业项目,授予奖牌


4、 对资助残疾人就业项目的单位或个人,主办单位将颁发“促进社会和谐贡献奖”证书,以动员、鼓励全社


Services for Exhibitors:

1. The organizer will organize seminar, forum or project docking symposium, while invite relevant government department to provide policy interpretation and vocational counsel for entrepreneurs, and field answer activities.

2.Companies signed up for the exhibition shall be prioritized to promote their exhibition projects in the organizer’s website.

3.Based on the review, comment and vote on the exhibition projects, the organizer will select the most liked project of small and medium-sized business, award the medal and certificate to the relevant company and invite media to report the event.

4.The organizer will award a certificate of “Contribution Award for Promoting Community Harmony” to the units or individuals who are subsidizing employment for the handicapped, which can mobilize and encourage all residents to focus on entrepreneurship and self-employment.


1.      填写参展申请表邮寄或传真至组织单位;

2.      展位顺序分配原则:先申请,先付款,先安排”,双面开口展位加收20%费用;

3.      参展商应在申请展位后4日内将参展费用50%电汇或交至组织单位,所定展位才可保留,参展费用汇出后,请将银行汇款单传真至组织单位,我们将在收到参展费后开具发票;

4.   组织单位收到参展申请及展台费用后,将于2018111日前寄《参展手册》给参展商;

Details for the Exhibition

1.       Fill in the application form and mail or fax it to the organizer;

2.       The booth distribution principle is “first apply and first pay will be first arranged” and the booth with double openings will surcharge by 20%;

3.       In order to reserve the booth, 50% of the Expo fee shall be remitted to the organizer via bank or by the company within 4 days after the application is completed. If the fee is transferred via bank, please fax the remittance documents to the organizer and an invoice will be issued upon receipt of the Expo fee paid by our company;

4.       After the organizer receives the exhibition application and fee, Exhibition Manual shall be posted to the exhibitors before Thursday, November 01, 2018.




电 话:021-69785336         

邮 箱:876941536@qq.com      Q  Q:876941536

联系人:沈克运               13621640786

Ways for the Exhibition

If you are interested in the Expo, please fill in the Application Form and Contract, and stamp it with office seal and send it back to Shanghai Fubang Exhibition and Service Co., Ltd via fax or by post.  

Location: Room 512, No.1 Building, Fukesi Commercial Plaza, No.89, Huguang East Road, Minhang District, Shanghai  

Tel: 021-69785336               

E-mail876941536@qq.com      Q  Q876941536

Contact: Shenkeyun               13621640786


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